Our Policy


Child Policy

Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt.Ltd. (hereinafter: GoldStone) commits itself to creating and maintaining an environment which promotes its core values and prevents child abuse and exploitation. We strongly condemn all forms of child abuse and exploitation, be it within or outside our company, and always respond to any case of abuse according to its nature. Consequences and responses range from human resource development actions such as training and counseling to measures such as suspension, dismissal, and legal action.
Our Policy is based on:

  1. The company's vision, mission and values.
  2. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC, 1989).
  3. Experience and input from staffs, volunteers/ interns and supporters of Gold Stone.

This policy document is a general framework for all partner associations with Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt.Ltd. Based on this framework, each partner association works out its own approach to bring child protection to life in their respective organizations. Every child is potentially at risk from abuse and exploitation. Therefore it is crucial that every person connected with Gold Stone understands child abuse, as well as his or her own role and responsibilities in protecting children. Any definition of child abuse assumes a definition of the child. According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC, 1989) a child is “every human being below the age of 18 years”.
We recognize that child abuse and exploitation happen in all countries and societies around
the world. Trying to define it as a world phenomenon is still difficult because of the vast
cultural, religious, social, political, legal and economic differences that children experience.
What is considered abusive in one country may be acceptable in another. Most research on
child abuse has been carried out in economically developed countries and its relevance to
children whose lives are very different is not clear.
In order to prevent child abuse, it is crucial that we as a company reach a common
understanding as to what child abuse is and in which circumstances our policies and
procedures apply. More often than not, the abuser is a person close to the child and whom the
child trusts. Through this policy we want to positively influence the practices of Gold Stone
family, beneficiaries, our partner association and the stakeholders connected with us directly
or indirectly.
Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt.Ltd works in accordance with UNCRC policy, which states that
every child or youth has the right to develop freely in a democratic environment with
equality, good treatment, peace and social justice. The Convention emphasizes the right of
every child to be protected from all forms of abuse, abandonment, exploitation and violence.

We as a company respects each child as an equal, perceive children as subjects of rights, and
work towards enabling them to take on responsibility for their own development and
The child protection policy aims to:
 Form an active network of protection so that all children and adults in our company are
safe and protected. Gold Stone staff and partners strives together for child protection.
 Reduce the number of reported and unreported abuse cases (child-to-child, adult-to child)
every year.
 Make children aware of their rights and their active role in child protection.
 Encourage staff involved directly with children to apply the skills needed to contribute to
each child’s development.
 Ensure that all staff has the working conditions needed to contribute to each child’s
 Inform children, staff, board members, and our interns/ volunteers about the child
protection policy and related procedures (awareness, prevention, reporting, responding).
 Foster open and honest discussions on child abuse in meetings and workshops we partake
or involved or in an open forum.
 Put in place fair, secure and transparent reporting channels in each Programme/project.
Definitions of the four main categories of abuse 1
Physical abuse of a child is the actual or potential physical harm from an action or lack of
action, which is reasonably within the control of a parent or person in a position of
responsibility, power, or trust. Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing,
poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to
a child including fabricating the symptoms of, or deliberately causing, ill health to a child.
There may be single or repeated incidents.


Sexual abuse is evidenced by an activity between a child and an adult or another child who,
by age or development, is in a relationship of responsibility, trust or power; the activity being
intended to gratify or satisfy the needs of the other person. Child sexual abuse involves
forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware
of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative or
non-penetrative acts. This may also include involving children in looking at, or in the
production of, pornographic material, or encouraging children to behave in sexually
inappropriate ways.
Neglect and negligent treatment is the inattention or omission on the part of the caregiver to
provide for the development of the child in: health, education, emotional development,
nutrition, shelter and safe living conditions, in the context of resources reasonably available
to the family or caretakers and which causes, or has a high probability of causing, harm to the
child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development. This includes the
failure to properly supervise and protect children from harm as much as is feasible.
Emotional abuse is the persistent or emotional ill treatment of a child that adversely affects
his or her development. It may involve conveying to children that he or she are worthless,
unloved, and inadequate, or there only to meet the needs of another; or where inappropriate
expectations are imposed upon them. Acts include restriction of movement, degrading,
humiliating, scape-goating, threatening, scaring, discriminating, ridiculing, or other non-
physical forms of hostile or rejecting treatment. In addition, it includes children who are
regularly frightened, exploited or corrupted.
Allegations or concerns regarding the abuse of a child by another child need to be responded
to with particular sensitivity; nevertheless, they have to be dealt with through the child
protection procedures. Any work with young people who have committed abuse requires an
effective approach which ensures the protection of the local community while, at the same
time, supporting the young person in challenging and changing his or her behavior. Any such
approach requires:
 The recognition that a child who has committed abuse to another child differs
significantly from adults who have committed similar offences, as the child is not fully
aware of why he or she has abused and what the consequences are.
 The best interest of the child is the primary consideration in all decisions made – for both
the victim and the abuser.

Historical abuse refers in this policy to abuse which an adult reports as having suffered as a
child or young person while in contact with Gold Stone. It is often the case that an individual
may not report abuse until many years after the event.
Any such allegations are raised as a child protection concern through the child protection
procedures. Gold stone will:
 Listen to, take seriously, and act responsibly towards allegations of historical abuse.
 Seek to promote the welfare of those adults who allege historical abuse.
 Promote the protection of any children who may currently be at risk from the person
alleged to have been an abuser.
A) Awareness: Raise awareness of child abuse and its risks.
B) Prevention: Provide guidance on how to safeguard children from abuse.
C) Reporting: A clear and simple reporting procedure is in place.
D) Responding: Ensure clear action is taken when child abuse is suspected.
The development of an open and responsive culture is essential for safeguarding children.
We as a company and each partner association need the courage to break the silence and
taboo of discussing child abuse. Through clear and honest communication we give and
receive both positive and critical feedback.
 It is crucial that everyone connected to Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt.Ltd. understands
child abuse.
 We provide regular opportunities to discuss child protection: at meetings, during
informal discussions, or in performance appraisals.
 The best interests of the child guide our child protection process. In the case of
conflicting interests, we give preference to the child's welfare.
 Roles and responsibilities regarding child protection are clearly defined and
 All employment contracts and codes of conduct signed by staff and representatives of
the company also refer to the child protection policy.
To prevent child abuse we need to create and maintain an environment which promotes our
organization's core values. A wide range of actions can support that: The main focus is on
implementing suitable human resource recruitment and development approaches. Combined
with this, it is essential that we carefully listen to children, take their views seriously,

encourage them to participate in discussions on child protection issues, and offer them the
opportunity to building trust-filled relationships.
a. The highest standards of selection, recruitment and verification procedures are applied.
Applicants for any position as a staff or volunteer/ intern disclose all previous criminal
convictions. This is accomplished through providing a police check or another
appropriate check, and cross checking of references.
b. Each staff receives adequate training and sign codes of conduct confirming their
understanding of and commitment to our child protection policy.
c. Staffs are provided with orientation regarding the child protection policy during the first
month of their employment.
d. Child protection is a regular topic in every staff training program.
e. Through training and experience sharing, we learn the difference between appropriate
and non-appropriate behaviour. Our employee or volunteers/ interns or staff treats
children with affection, but keep clear and supportive boundaries.
f. Children are enabled to take on responsibility for their own development and protection.
They are encouraged to participate in all matters affecting their lives and are involved in
discussions on their rights. Children discuss what acceptable and unacceptable behaviour
is and what they can do if they feel something is not right.
g. Each child is offered individual development opportunities tailored to his or her needs
and potential. Staff receives training and support to put child development activities into
h. All employee or staff has access to counseling services when needed.
i. Staffs are encouraged to regularly share experiences within and between organizations/
partners and programs regarding how they approach child protection.
j. Attention is given to ensuring that adequate working conditions are in place in all partner
associations and organization by ensuring the implementation of the standards in the
Gold Stone’s vision, mission and values.
 We take all concerns raised seriously and take appropriate action. Gold Stone defines
clear reporting and responding procedures, including internal communication lines,
and defines the roles and responsibilities of all people involved. Quick and
transparent measures are ensured which also take local legal responsibilities into

We have necessary team and procedure to whom child protection cases can be
reported. Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., has the team consists either of the
Director, Manager and company’s in charge.
 Every staff is obliged to immediately provide any information he or she has regarding
a possible case of child abuse to a member of the child protection team. Any adult
who withholds information or covers up any kind of abuse is considered an
 Children, staff or other adults who make reports are supported and protected. A
person accused of child abuse is given a fair hearing.
 Confidentiality is of utmost importance when dealing with cases of abuse and
information is handled with sensitivity. The child or any other person who brings
information regarding child abuse is informed that if he or she reports the case,
information about the abuse needs to be shared with the child protection team and
other persons involved.
 All forms of child abuse are treated equally and result in a variety of responses. We
ensure that there is always a response, regardless of whether the abuse committed is
considered large or small. By responding we guarantee that a transparent and fair
procedure is followed, so that nobody is falsely convicted and the rights of everyone
involved are protected.
 In all cases of suspected or proven child abuse or neglect, the focus is placed on
safeguarding and protecting the child. At the same time, healing measures are
provided and the protection for all persons involved is guaranteed. The affected child
receives the necessary counseling and support.
 The response to child-to-child abuse focuses on what is best for both children's
 If abuse is committed by an adult, legal steps are taken. Legal assistance is obtained
as per need.
 There is clear leadership, with one person responsible for handling information and
communication regarding the case. This person is supported by the child protection
 Decisions and actions are taken quickly.
 In all abuse cases, an internal investigation is carried out by a neutral person who is
not involved in the case. This person presents the findings of the investigation to the
child protection team, which makes a decision on further steps.

 Cases are reported to child welfare authorities according to a procedure defined by
the company or the Nepal government.
 A written record of all reported abuse cases and their conclusions is kept safe in the
In the quest to ensure that children in Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt.Ltd. grow in a safe
environment with adults who are committed to safeguarding them, Gold Stone Consultancy
Pvt.Ltd. set forth this policy as a general framework for its member associations. The policy
highlights that the wellbeing of children is at the core of our work and reaffirms our commitment
to ensuring that all children are protected from all forms of abuse and exploitation.

On the behalf of Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.

Equality & Diversity Policy

The Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt Ltd Equality & Diversity Policy applies to all of its
employees, temporary workers and consultants. Any third-party suppliers and contractors are
also required to adhere to the provisions of the policy while engaged by The Gold Stone
The Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt Ltd believes in the values and benefits diversity can bring to
its workforce and it seeks to maintain a workforce comprised of talented and dedicated
individuals whose skills and backgrounds reflect the diverse nature of the business
environment in which it operates. Accordingly, the composition of The Gold Stone
Consultancy Pvt Ltd ’s workforce is intended to reflect a diverse mix of skills, experience,
knowledge and backgrounds. Additionally, The Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt Ltd is fully
committed to being an equal opportunities employer and is opposed to all forms of unlawful
and unfair discrimination.
The commitment to diversity and equality in the workplace is good management practice and
makes sound business sense. Workforce diversity promotes, among other things, the
inclusion of different perspectives and ideas, and ensures The Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt
Ltd has the opportunity to benefit from all available talent. Every employee is entitled to a
working environment which promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation,
bullying or harassment will be tolerated. The Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt Ltd ’s recruitment
and selection practices aim to hire the kind of people who support these aims.
All employees, whether part time, full time or temporary, will be treated fairly and equally and
with respect. Selection for employment, promotion, training or any other practice will be made
on criteria free from unlawful bias.
As an inclusive employer, The Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt Ltd recognizes that promoting a
culture of equality and diversity is crucial to demonstrating not only how it values its people,
but in maintaining each employee’s engagement and ensuring the continued success of The
Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt Ltd. To promote these principals, The Gold Stone Consultancy
Pvt Ltd aims to break down some of the barriers that have traditionally existed in the
workplace, such as, for example, the stigma surrounding mental health by promoting mental
health awareness among its workforce through counseling and providing educational
materials on the subject. The Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt Ltd respects, and expects the
entire workforce to respect, each employee and the contributions and value each employee
adds. The Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt Ltd ’s aim, which is made evident through its policies
and practices, is to enable every employee to reach his or her full potential.

The Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt Ltd recognizes that people have live outside of work and has
policies in place to support employees with commitments such as caring for family members,
undertaking study and just having some balance between work and life. The Gold Stone
Consultancy Pvt Ltd ’s Personal Interest Allowance (PIA), for example encourages employees
taking up new interests completely outside of work.
Even those who do not yet work for The Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt Ltd will be treated in this
same way. The Gold Stone Consultancy Pvt Ltd’s recruitment and selection policy and
practices evidence its approach to equality and diversity.

Data Privacy Policy

GoldStone Consultancy is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of Personal Information about its employees, customers, business partners and other identifiable individuals.
GoldStone’s policies, guidelines and actions support this commitment to protecting Data. Each
employee bears a personal responsibility for complying with this Policy in the fulfillment of their
responsibilities at GoldStone.
1. Scope
Policy sets the minimum standard and shall guide all GoldStone employees and Agents even
if local law is less restrictive. Supplemental policies and practices will be developed as
needed to meet the local legal or departmental requirements. Supplemental policies and
practices may provide for more strict or specific privacy and protection standards than are set
forth in this Policy.
2. Policy Details
2.1 Privacy: GoldStone respects the privacy of its employees and third parties such as
customers, business partners, vendors, service providers, suppliers, former employees and
candidates for employment and recognizes the need for appropriate protection and
management of Personal Information. We are guided by the following principles in
Processing Personal Information:
● Notice
● Choice
● Accountability for onward transfer
● Security
● Data integrity and purpose limitation
● Access
● Recourse, Enforcement and Liability
2.2 Notice: When collecting Personal Information directly from individuals, GoldStone
strives to provide clear and appropriate notice about the:
● Purposes for which it collects and uses their Personal Information,
● Types of non-Agent third parties to which GoldStone may disclose that information,

● Choices and means, if any, GoldStone offers individuals for

limiting the use and disclosure of their Personal Information.
2.3 Choice: Generally, GoldStone offers individuals a choice regarding how we Process
Personal Information, including the opportunity to choose to opt-out of further Processing or,
in certain circumstances, to opt-in. However, explicit consent from individuals is not required
when Processing Personal Information for:
● Purposes consistent with the purpose for which it was originally collected or
subsequently authorized by the individual,
● Purposes necessary to carry out a transaction relationship,
● Purposes necessary to comply with legal requirements, or
● Disclosure to a law enforcement Agent.
2.4 Accountability for Onward Transfer: In regard to the transfer of Personal Information to
either an Agent or Controller, Avnet strives to take reasonable and appropriate steps to:
● Transfer such Personal Information only for specified purposes and limit the Agent or
Controller’s use of that information for those specified purposes,
● Obligate the Agent or Controller to provide at least the same level of privacy protection
as is required by this Policy,
● Help ensure that the Agent or Controller effectively Processes the Personal Information
in a manner consistent with its obligations under this Policy,
● Require the Agent or Controller to notify GoldStone if the Agent or Controller
determines it can no longer meet its obligation to provide the same level of protection as
is required by this Policy, and
● Upon notice from the Agent or Controller, take further steps to help stop and remediate
any unauthorized Processing.
2.5 Security: GoldStone takes reasonable and appropriate measures to protect Personal
Information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction,
taking into due account the risks involved in the Processing and the nature of the Personal
2.6 Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation: GoldStone will only Process Personal Information
in a way that is compatible with the purpose for which it has been collected or subsequently
authorized by the individual. GoldStone shall take steps to help ensure that Personal
Information is accurate, reliable, current and relevant to its intended use.

2.7 Access: GoldStone provides individuals with reasonable access to their Personal
Information for purposes of correcting, amending or deleting that information where it is
inaccurate or has been processed in violation of the GoldStone data privacy principles.
2.8 Recourse, Enforcement and Liability: Violation of this Policy by an employee or
contractor of GoldStone will result in appropriate discipline up to and including termination.
Violation by an Agent, Controller or other third party of this Policy or GoldStone’s privacy
requirements will result in the exercise of appropriate legal remedies available at law or in
equity including termination for material breach of contract.
3. Administration
3.1 Roles and Responsibilities: Responsibility for compliance with this Policy rests with the
heads of the individual functions, business units and departments together with any individual
employee collecting, using or otherwise Processing Personal Information. Business unit, function
and department heads, in coordination with the Legal Department, are responsible for
implementing further standards, guidelines and procedures that uphold this Policy, and for
assigning day-to-day responsibilities for privacy protection to specific personnel for enforcement
and monitoring.
3.2 Implementation: This Policy is meant to be implemented in conjunction with supplementary
data privacy policies specific to a region, country or department, if required. These
supplementary data privacy policies will account for differences in data protection requirements
by jurisdiction or function and will specify individual roles and responsibilities. GoldStone
business units, functions or facilities will implement supplementary data privacy policies as
required to be in compliance with applicable laws.
3.3 Interpretation: In the event of any conflict between this Policy and any supplemental data
privacy policy, this Policy will supersede the supplemental data privacy policy to the extent that
the supplemental data privacy policy is less restrictive. Local data privacy policies may provide
for stricter data privacy and protection standards than are set forth in this Policy. In the event
local data privacy law provides for stricter data privacy and protection than this Policy, the local
data privacy law will supersede this Policy in that jurisdiction to the extent necessary to comply
with stricter local law.
4. Definitions
“GoldStone” is GoldStone Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. and all its subsidiaries and affiliates globally.

“Policy” means this Global Data Privacy Policy, as revised.
“Processing” or “Process” means any operation or set of operations which is performed on
Personal Information or on sets of Personal Information, whether or not by automated means,
such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration,
retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making
available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
